Oils & Acrylics
Urban and Traditional Landscapes
Urban Landscapes: “I am drawn to historic districts in old cities. I enjoy walking the streets and contemplating all that has gone on before in these spaces - and expressing these feelings in my work.”
Traditional Landscapes: “My first love and a subject I always come back to. I see the natural landscape as the unspoiled work of our Creator - and a joy to work in. I like to use intense color, texture, and strong contrast - often composing with unusual perspectives. I like to aim for strong pictorial content to enhance the potential for natural revelation.”
-Gary Buhler
Providence View II: 36'' x 72'', Acrylic on canvas, 2024. $6,500.
Grand Canyon Old Glory: 72" x 39" - $6,500, 1995
The Garret: 39'' x 17'' Oil on Canvas $1250, 2018
Yamhill Reflections: 46'' x 69'' Acrylic on Canvas $10,000, 2024
Trophy II: Acrylic on Panel 30'' x 82'' 2023, $6,500
Late Winter Light PDX: 40" x 60" - $4500, 2022
PDX Lease #2: 40" x 60" - $3000. 2020
Corbet House - (SOLD), 2020
Elm Tree Blues: 40" x 60" - $2,400, 2016
Good Neighbors: 33" x 18.5" - (SOLD), 2016
Urban Bays: 15" x 43" - (SOLD), 2016
Urban Old Growth: 48" x 48" - $3,000, 2014
Elm Galaxy: 60" x 45" - $3,000, 2013
The Governor II: 42" x 66" - (SOLD), 2012
The Pearl - (SOLD), 2012
Gentrify #2: 42" x 66" - $4000, 2012
"Companion II": 13'' x 30'', unframed, oil on canvas, 2005. $950
Smith Rock Cathedral II: 18" x 31" - $800, 2005
Grand Canyon: Side Stream: 12" x 16" - 550. 2003
"The Narrow Way": 78'' x 42'', Acrylic on Canvas, 1999. $6,000.
"Chasm": 62'' x 37'', unframed, acrylic on canvas, 1999. SOLD
Altered Streams: 36" x 48" - $3000, 1999
Late Summer Stream Detail: 56" x 31" - 2000 $3,000,
Pony Tail Falls: (SOLD) 1998
East of Eden: 42" x 62" - $5500, 1997
Summer Dreams: 39" x 15" - $850, 1996
Blue Green Stream: 45" x 21" - $650, 1996
The Third Day: 40" x 60" - $3000, 1996
Smith Rock Inferno: 24" x 32" - $750, 1996
Smith Rock: Looking Up at Monkey Face: 16" x 20" - $750, 1996
Canyon Sacrifice: 47" x 47" - $3,400, Framed, 1996
Ascension: 40" x 73" (SOLD), 1995
White Water Cascade: 38" x 26" - (SOLD), 1994
Deer Renaissance: Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 44" $3000 1998